Tuesday, November 17, 2009


I have a Hotchkiss Rifle serial number 18072 which was shipped from the Winchester Factory July of 1882 with nine other (I assume) rifles with bayonets. I believe these guns to be sample model rifles sent to Springfield Armory for consideration. The other serial numbers are; 17643, 17647, 17648, 17649, 17652, 17659, 17666, 17851, & 18059. If you have one of these rifles please contact me, as I would like to compare yours to mine. Thanks in advance for your help.

MN Weapons Collectors 10/31-11/1/2009

Our Winchester Lever Actions in the Service display was put into the "Modern Long Guns "category where we won Third Place. Our Hotchkiss display won First Place in the category of "Antique Long Guns". It was a great time with old friends.