Tuesday, November 17, 2009


I have a Hotchkiss Rifle serial number 18072 which was shipped from the Winchester Factory July of 1882 with nine other (I assume) rifles with bayonets. I believe these guns to be sample model rifles sent to Springfield Armory for consideration. The other serial numbers are; 17643, 17647, 17648, 17649, 17652, 17659, 17666, 17851, & 18059. If you have one of these rifles please contact me, as I would like to compare yours to mine. Thanks in advance for your help.

MN Weapons Collectors 10/31-11/1/2009

Our Winchester Lever Actions in the Service display was put into the "Modern Long Guns "category where we won Third Place. Our Hotchkiss display won First Place in the category of "Antique Long Guns". It was a great time with old friends.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


New information on the "Belgian" Model '94 has been discovered, and is reflected in the revised explanation of this firearm.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

WACA Cody Show 6-2009

We had a great time at the Cody show. Visiting with friends, and making new ones. Our Hotchkiss display won "Best Historical Display", and we received the replacement trophy for the traveling "Best Educational Display" that we won last year and returned for this year's winner. All in all a wonderful trip. Here are photos of the display, and the trophys.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

WACA Show in Cody

On June 17th. we are headed for the Winchester Arms Collectors Show in Cody, WY where we will be doing our Hotchkiss disply. We also have to return the traveling 'BEST EDUCATIONAL AWARD TRAVELING TROPHY' which we won last June. Here is a photo of the trophy.

Colorado Gun Collectors Show Results

We had a great time at this always wonderful gun show. The displays were outstanding!!! We won a recognization award with our Hotchkiss display, but the Lever Action display (which usually gets all of the attention) won nothing. Here is a photo of each.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Revised Lever Explanations

I have revised the Lever Action Display explanations to reflect new information obtained for items 1, 2 & 3.
Thanks for your interest, and feel free to contact me.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Colorado Gun Collectors Show

If you are planning to attend the Colorado Gun Collecotrs Show May 16 & 17, 2009 please look us up and introduce yourself.

Displays at Sioux Falls, SD Mar. 14&15, 09

We did our two displays at a show in Sioux Falls, SD March 14 & 15. It was great time visiting with old friends and making new ones. Our two displays tied for first, so we were awarded 'Best of Show'. Please note the addition of an 1880 Hunting Knife to the Hotchkiss Display. We received a very nice plaque, and $100.