Monday, October 8, 2012

CODY, WY 7-2012

We left on July 3 arriving on July 4.  Cody was very busy, but no so busy we could not find a seat in the Irma's bar, and we were able to make reservations at the Proud Cut Saloon for dinner.
The Winchester Arms Collectors Show was better than ever.  We set records for the amount of tables and for the public attendance.  Visiting with friends is always the highlight of the trip.  I had a WACA Board meeting Sunday after the show so we did not leave until Monday morning arriving home late Tuesday afternoon.

We took home the 'Best of Show' traveling trophy with our new and improved Winchester Hotchkiss Display highlited by the B.B. Hothckiss 'One of Two Known'  prototype.  We will reutrn the trophy next year in Cody.

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